The Big Cover-Up
Perhaps the biggest challenge with undergoing surgical body-contouring just before summer is the urge you may have to cover up. Ultimately, the whole reason for liposuction or abdominoplasty is to feel more comfortable in less clothing. However, initially, there will be some swelling and bruising to go through. During Fall and Winter, there is much more of a desire to stay warm beneath sweaters and long pants and scarves and jackets and . . . you get it. The strategic scheduling of your procedure or procedures enables you to take all the time you need to fully recover before your big reveal.
You Time
We all need a little “Me Time” now and then. This is no more important than after a surgical procedure of any kind. The turn of the new year may be an optimal time for recuperation from body-contouring. The kids are in school, and the holidays are over. This means you can take the time your body needs to rest and heal fully without your mind suffering the stress of all you have to do.
Shorter, Colder Days Mean Healing
One of the challenges to surgical recovery is scarring, and scarring (as well as general healing) can be hindered by UV exposure. From this standpoint, it makes perfect sense to schedule cosmetic surgery during a time of year when a cozy sofa and blanket are much more appealing than a lounge chair by the pool.
The team in our Bloomington office is available to provide you with the friendly service you deserve. Contact us at 309-664-1007.