Q: Will I be in pain after breast augmentation?
A: After breast augmentation, you can expect to feel sore and tender, yes. Is this painful? No. Most patients describe their post-operative discomfort as mild to moderate. Initially, the chest may feel tight or compressed. As the effects of general anesthesia wear off, you might feel tenderness and soreness in the chest area. Your incisions may feel tender or itchy as they heal. To prevent unnecessary pain, we strongly encourage patients to take their prescription pain medication as directed. If the first dose is scheduled before the effects of anesthesia are fully resolved, that’s great! Don’t postpone taking that first dose because doing so could result in more discomfort than is absolutely necessary. With that discomfort could come a sense of anxiety, which we don’t want. We want your surgical recovery to go as smoothly as possible.
Q: Will my breast augmentation results be visible right away?
A: Yes! You will notice enlargement even through your compression garment and other bandages. This is one of the gratifying things about the procedure. Initially, though, know that your breasts will look higher, firmer, and fuller due to swelling. As the tissue around the breast implants relaxes, your breasts will settle into their natural position. It can take several weeks for settling to reach its fullness.
Q: Do I have to wear the compression bra applied after surgery?
A: Yes. You must wear some form of medical compression garment for the first couple of weeks of your breast augmentation recovery. A proper compression garment is needed to alleviate swelling, protect your incisions, and also to support the position of the breast implants while they heal within the pocket created during surgery. If you do not wear your compression garment as directed, there is a risk of displacement and more severe swelling than is necessary. You should wear your compression garment exactly as directed, which may be 24/7 for at least one week. The garment can usually be removed for showering but should be worn at all other times. Compression garments are tight but not uncomfortable and, after about two weeks, you can transition to a comfortable sports bra.
Q: Can I exercise after breast augmentation?
A: Not right away. To enable the breast implants and capsules around them to heal properly, you must refrain from all strenuous activity for 4 to 6 weeks. Your doctor may advise you to avoid lifting heavy objects and also to avoid lifting your hands over your head. While your body is working hard to heal itself, you won’t feel much like exercising. What you should be doing as you heal is walking. Taking short walks around the house keeps your circulation moving adequately and it can help to prevent the formation of blood clots in the legs.
Are you ready to take the next step toward your best body? Contact our Bloomington, IL office at (309) 664-1007 to schedule your consultation.