Case ID: 4073
This is a 40 year old female who wanted to improve the size of her enlarged labia minoras. She is 6 weeks after her surgery and very happy.
LabiaplastyCase ID: 4073
This is a 40 year old female who wanted to improve the size of her enlarged labia minoras. She is 6 weeks after her surgery and very happy.
LabiaplastyCase ID: 4026
This is a 24 year old female who wanted liposuction of her inner arms to reduce the bulk. She is now 3 months after 350cc was removed from each arm.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4027
This is a 40 year old female who wanted to decrease the bulk of her inner arms and neck area. She had liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening to each area. She had 50cc aspirated from her neck and 400cc from each inner arm. She is 3 months after her surgery.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4028
This is a 52 year old male who wanted to improve the contour of his love handles and abdomen and so underwent liposuction of 500cc of his abdomen and also 700cc of the right flank and 650cc of the left flank. He also had Renuvion skin tightening in each area.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4029
This is a 43 year old female who wanted to improve the bulk of her neck. She is 3 months after her liposuction surgery where 125cc was aspirated.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4030
This is a 37 year old who wanted to improve the contour of her bra roll and flanks and so underwent liposuction of 150cc from each bra roll and 500cc from each flank. She is 4 months postop.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4025
This is a 32-year-old female who didn’t like her bulky ankles. Here she is 4 months after liposuction of bilateral ankles.
LiposuctionCase ID: 3970
This is a 59yo lady who had abdominal skin excision along with muscle plication. She is only 6 weeks postop.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 3971
This is a 38yo female with excess abdominal skin and lax muscles. She is now 5 months after her abdominoplasty.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 3972
This is a 36 year old who would like her abdominal skin excised and muscles tightened. She is 5 months s/p abdominoplasty.