Before & After Gallery

Breast Augmentation

Individual results may vary.

29yo where 350cc’s were placed on the right side and 225cc’s on the left.

Case ID: 1551

Before and After Images
Before Image: 29yo where 350cc’s were placed on the right side and 225cc’s on the left. - front
After Image: 29yo where 350cc’s were placed on the right side and 225cc’s on the left. - front
29yo where 350cc’s were placed on the right side and 225cc’s on the left.
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This is a 29yo female 4 months after a submuscular augmentation.  Smooth round gel implants were placed through an inframammary fold incision.  350cc’s were placed on the right side and 225cc’s on the left.

29yo where 350cc’s were placed on the right side and 225cc’s on the left.

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