Breast Augmentation
Case ID: 2943
This is a 41yo female who is 4 months after her 370cc Xfill gel augmentation. The implants were placed under the muscle through a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2943
This is a 41yo female who is 4 months after her 370cc Xfill gel augmentation. The implants were placed under the muscle through a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2942
This is a 41yo female 4 months after her 400cc gel submuscular augmentation. Her incision was in the fold.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2941
This is a 35yo female who is 4 months after her 405cc Xfill gel submuscular augmentation with a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2940
This is a 40yo female who underwent an augmentation with 405cc Xfill gel implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision. She is 4 months after her surgery.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2919
This is a 36yo female who underwent 370cc Xfill gel implant submuscular augmentation.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2918
Pt is a 30yo female who underwent an augmentation with a 405cc Xfill gel implant placed bilaterally under the muscle and through a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2917
This is a 28yo female who underwent an augmentation with 370cc Xfill gel implants placed under the muscle and through a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2916
This is a 30yo female with tuberous breasts. She successfully underwent an augmentation with 370cc Xfill gel implants placed submuscular with a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2915
This is a 32yo female 6 weeks after her augmentation. She had bilateral 370cc Xfill Mentor gel implants placed under the muscle and through a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 0692
54 year female 3 months after abdominal liposuction only. 800cc of aspirate was obtained to improve her abdominal contour.
3 Post-Op Abdominal Lipo