Inner Arms Excess Skin Removal
Case ID: 0488
This is a 49 year old female who lost 75 lbs and is desiring removal of excess skin on inner arms. Patient is only 4 months after a bilateral brachioplasty operation.
Inner Arms Excess Skin RemovalCase ID: 0488
This is a 49 year old female who lost 75 lbs and is desiring removal of excess skin on inner arms. Patient is only 4 months after a bilateral brachioplasty operation.
Inner Arms Excess Skin RemovalCase ID: 0483
60 year old female after a significant amount of weight loss concerned with her inner arm contour. Patient is 3 months after bilateral arm lifts.
Bilateral Arm Lift 3 Months Post-OpCase ID: 2909
This ia a 43yo female who is 6 months after her brachioplasty surgery. Notice how concealed the long scar can be.
BrachioplastyCase ID: 0478
21 year old massive weight loss patient 4 months after bilateral breast lifting was performed.
Bilateral Breast LiftCase ID: 0473
49 year old massive weight loss patient 4 months after bilateral breast lifting was performed.
Bilateral Breast LiftCase ID: 0470
48 year old female who lost significant amounts of weight concerned with her breast contour and desired improvement in primarily shape. Patient is 3 months after her breast lift (without implant).
Breast Lift Without ImplantCase ID: 0465
52 year old 2 months after a mastopexy who was primarily concerned with her breast “sagging”. She was not interested in an augmentation so no implant was placed at the time of her mastopexy.
52 Years Old MastopexyCase ID: 0458
21 year old male 4 months after liposuction and direct periareola excision. 75g and 58g was removed from left and right breast respectively.
21 Years Old 4 Months Post-OpCase ID: 0451
24 year old male 4 months after gynecomastia surgery. Patient had liposuction of both breasts with simultaneous direct excision of 5g and 27g from right and left breast respectively with a mini incision.
24 Year Old 4 Months Pre-OpCase ID: 0444
41 year old male interested in reducing the size of both breasts and nipple fullness. 350cc and 450cc were aspirated via liposuction from the right and left side respectively. 20g and 32 g were removed via direct excision using a periareola incision from the right and left breast respectively.
Reduced Breasts & Nipple Fullness