Fat transfer sounds like the “next big thing” because people are talking about it now. This innovative technique is the basis for the popular Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, and may also be a way to augment the breasts. Make no mistake, though, fat transfer is not new. This process has been a common part of Dr. Tattini’s practice since our office was first established.
What are Fat Injections, Anyway?
Fat injections are pretty much as it sounds. Treatment involves removing a small amount (or larger, depending on patient preference) of fat from an area of the body that has a little to give. This could be the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or any other area. We take the fat that is removed and we process it using precise steps that allow us to extract the most beneficial substance.
Ok, but Why?
Why would someone choose to have fat taken from one part of the body and put into their face? After all, there are numerous dermal filler products available to diminish the appearance of lines and creases. Dermal fillers can even fill out the cheeks and reduce the visibility of under eye bags. Why “reinvent the wheel” here? There is good reason . . .
Fat is organic. It comes from your own body so will not be rejected or cause any type of adverse reaction. Fat also has a vascular nature to it, which enables it to expand and contract. This is something you want for your facial tissue. Finally, fat, unlike synthetic dermal fillers, will integrate fully with the receiving tissue. It becomes a part of your anatomy, because that is its true nature. Oh, and then there is the matter of longevity.
After the fat transfer procedure, the area treated with this process keeps its more youthful contouring for 5 to 7 years. If you were to add up the total cost of periodic dermal filler treatment, it would exceed the overall cost of fat injections.
As we age, we will naturally lose a bit of volume from the face. Facelift surgery can only do so much. To restore a younger-looking appearance means that we must restore volume. Fat injections are an excellent way to do this.
Learn more about your options for facial rejuvenation when you call our Bloomington office at 309-664-1007.