Some say that the eyes don’t lie. These windows to the soul are supposed to reveal our truth; how we feel in the moment and how we may view life as a whole. What many of our patients express when they visit our Bloomington office is that their eyes are, in fact, lying. As the skin around the eyes ages, we can look far more tired than we really are. Changes in the delicate ocular tissue can alter the face from looking friendly to having a persistent frown or stubborn dark circles. To address the cosmetic problems caused by aging eyes, many people turn to blepharoplasty.
Dr. Tattini is an experienced plastic surgeon who devotes time in consultation with each patient. Blepharoplasty is a big decision that should yield the most rewarding outcome. Therefore, the procedure must be customized to each patient’s needs and unique anatomy. During this consultation, a thorough evaluation of eyelid tissue can identify the extent of rejuvenation that is necessary. Patients may elect to have blepharoplasty performed on their upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both areas in the same surgery. As a result of meticulous tissue repositioning and trimming, patients can achieve a number of benefits.
- Youthful definition returns. The eyelids are covered by some of the thinnest skin on the body. Sagging alters the definition of the eyes by decreasing the natural crease or eliminating it altogether. By removing excess tissue through a hidden incision, Dr. Tattini restores the natural definition and contour to the upper eyelids.
- Youthful vibrancy returns. Sagging skin on the upper or lower eyelids creates heaviness and puffiness. Each of these characteristics projects an aged appearance. Tired looking eyes say only one thing, “I’m tired.” When excess tissue is removed, the eyes appear more open and awake, restoring a youthful character to the face.
- Better vision. For some patients, sagging tissue on the upper eyelids is significant enough to create shadows in the field of vision. An eyelid lift reduces the amount of tissue on the upper eyelids and thereby brightens and clarifies vision.
- Fewer or less intense migraines. We’ll put a soft question mark by this one because studies are limited. However, research conducted a few years ago suggested that nerves involved in triggering migraines are situated near the eyes. If these nerves are affected by tissue manipulation around the eyes, there is a chance that migraines may decrease in frequency or intensity.
Blepharoplasty is primarily performed for cosmetic rejuvenation. The benefits of this procedure can extend beyond the immediate satisfaction with appearance. Furthermore, these benefits can last for many years. To learn more about eyelid rejuvenation, call our Bloomington office at (309) 664-1007.