21 Years Old Abdominoplasty
Case ID: 1071
21 year old female 3 months after abdominal skin excision and muscle plication with flank liposuction.
21 Years Old AbdominoplastyCase ID: 1071
21 year old female 3 months after abdominal skin excision and muscle plication with flank liposuction.
21 Years Old AbdominoplastyCase ID: 1066
35 year old female 3 months after abdominal skin excision and muscle plication and flank liposuction.
Abdominoplasty 3 Months Post-OpCase ID: 1061
37 year old female 6 weeks after her surgery which consisted of skin excison and muscle plication.
6 Weeks Post-Op AbdominoplastyCase ID: 1056
50 year old female after losing a significant amount of weight is 3 months after her abdominoplasty and flank liposuction.
Abdominoplasty After Significant Weight LossCase ID: 1051
45 year old female 4 months after her surgery which consisted of skin excision and muscle plication.
45 Year Old 4 Months Post-Op AbdominoplastyCase ID: 1048
37 year old female interested in improving her abdominal shape. Skin excision and muscle plication was performed. Liposuction and a breast augmentation was also simultaneously performed. Patient is 6 weeks after her surgery.
Abdominoplasty Simultaneou Lipo & Breast AugCase ID: 1043
40 year old female interested in improving her abdominal contour after prior abdominal surgery. A fleur-de-lis abdomioplasty was used since she already had a midline abdominal scar. Muscle plication and liposuction was also performed. Patient is 4 months after her surgery.
Fleur-de-lis AbdomioplastyCase ID: 1038
38 year old female who lost over 100 pounds interested in breast and abdominal contouring. Both were performed simultaneously with abdomimal skin excision and muscle plication being performed. Patient is 4 months after her surgery.
Breast & Abdominal ContouringCase ID: 1033
42 year old 6 months after routine abdominoplasty performed. Muscle plication, skin excision, and flank liposuction was performed.
Routine AbdominoplastyCase ID: 1028
35 year old 4 months after abdominoplasty surgery. Patient had 3 prior pregnancies and desired an improvement of her abdominal shape. Muscle plication, skin excision, and liposuction was performed.
35 Years Old 4 months Post-Op Abdominoplasty