There is a good reason why a lot of people enter their consultation thinking one thing and leaving that visit with another idea: information. The abundance of information that is available online and in magazines is great, yes. It can give you a warm-and-fuzzy about a procedure you’re considering. However, it can also create illusions about which procedure you need, or whether you even need surgery at all. Let’s see how this goes . . .
I just need some liposuction.
If we had a quarter of every time, we heard this phrase! We often hear that liposuction is one of the leading cosmetic procedures sought by men and women. However, what we may not hear is that liposuction is often accompanied by abdominoplasty. More people go into their surgeon’s office thinking they just need to remove the overlay of fat when what has happened is the muscle beneath the fat has stretched. Add to that a little loose skin, and you’ve got a need for tightening, or liposuction plus a tummy tuck.
I need a neck lift.
It is necessary to look at the skin on the neck as well as the face if your objective is to appear younger. Neck lift surgery has taken to new heights regarding popularity. So much so that we hear this statement from patients a lot: I need a neck lift. Upon observation of the neck and chin, and listening to the complaints stated by the patient, we may come to the conclusion that a facelift is really what’s needed, or a combination neck and face lift. This is because patients often assume a neck lift will treat the loose skin on their neck, their double-chin, and their jowls. We’re pretty good right up to the jowls problem. Jowls form because the structure along the mid face has dropped. To restore that, we need to lift it during a facelift and possibly secure that new position with dermal fillers or fat injections into the cheeks.
Don’t wonder about which cosmetic procedures could help you love your look. Schedule a consultation with your experienced Bloomington cosmetic surgeon at (309) 664-1007.