- There is no perfect nose. If we had a nickel for every time someone said: “I want her nose.” Or his. And who “they” are could be anyone. A reality star, celebrity, or social media influencer. Whoever it is doesn’t matter. What matters is that there are drawbacks to this approach. You see, whoever has the nose you would like probably doesn’t have your face. Their nose looks perfect on their face. It may not look perfect on yours. Your perfect nose shape will be one that is proportion with the rest of your face.
- The Big Reveal may leave you wanting. Getting a nose job is a big deal. When the dressings come off, patients may be expecting to see at least a glimpse of the nose they’ve always wanted. This isn’t likely to happen. In many cases, patients are disappointed with their Big Reveal because their nose is still swollen and the tissue around the nose and eyes is still bruised. Changes in profile may be seen right away, but other more nuanced improvements may not be visible for several months.
- Breathing or vocal tone may be different after a nose job. Depending on the extent of reshaping that is done inside the nose, near the septum, the vibrations made when speaking may change. Usually, the change in vocal tone is very subtle. Unless you rely on your voice being exactly as it is, a slight change may be nothing compared to the cosmetic improvements gained.
- Other people may not see the same thing you see. We all have our own perspectives on every little matter. After correcting problems that made you feel less confident about your appearance, it can be deflating for someone in your circle to offer a different point of view. Perhaps they “don’t see a difference.” Perhaps, although you may want to keep your nose job private, you feel disappointed when no one seems to notice that you look different. This can happen because, when a person doesn’t like their nose, they may become hyperaware of minor flaws. Others don’t notice nearly as much. What’s important to keep in mind here is that your nose job was for you. If you feel great, that’s all that matters.
Would you like to know more about what a nose job could do for you? Call our Bloomington, IL office at (309) 664-1007 to schedule a consultation.